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Servé Hermans

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Servé Hermans (1981) studied at the Toneelacademie van Maastricht. He performed in Crazy Gary’s Mobile Disco and Galaxica by Domien Van Der Meiren.

He recently appeared in Rex Revival by Jeroen van den Bergh, and in De Achterbankgeneratie by Anna van der Heiden. Servé Hermans collaborated with Johan Simons for Richard lll and Fort Europa. Later, as a member of the NTGent ensemble, he performed in De asielzoeker, Edward ll, Het leven een droom, Sentimenti, Instinct, Vergeten Straat and De koning sterft. This last production left him with a taste of the magician’s craft, which he nurtured in his own production De illusionist. He also portrayed the title role in Peer Gynt; a production of het Maastrichtse Theater on the Vrijthof.

At NTGent he continued in the productions Underground and his own creation Ballet voor dikke jongens. Servé appeared in Aida, Een bruid in de morgen and Tartuffe. Season 2012-2013 will mean for Servé the reprisals of De illusionist, and Een bruid in de morgen. The brand new piece Rood, by John Logan, shows Servé playing side by side with Wim Opbrouck, who portrays the famous artist Mark Rothko. In 2013-2014, he will also be singing and dancing on stage in the musical theatre performance Parsifal.



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