Alwin Pulinckx
Alwin Pulinckx (1979) has been a member of Toneelgroep Amsterdam from 2001 till 2016. In 1999 started as an intern at TA in The Massacre in Paris. He performed in plays such as The kindly ones, Kings of war, Roman tragedies, The taming of the shrew, Con Amore, Britannicus, Rocco and his Brothers, Rashomon-effect, The Miser, The Pelican, Angels in America, Glengarry Glen Ross, The seagull, Othello, Antonioni Project, Queen Lear, Mourning becomes Electra, The Entertainer, A bride in the morning, Opening Night and Scenes from a marriage.
Before he received a permanent position in the ensemble, Pulinckx played in Romeo and Julia and Hamletmachine at youth theatre group Bronkx and in Dagen en nachten [Days and nights] at Verwanten. In 2011 he played in the Alle tijd [The time of your life].