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Anne-Chris Schulting

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After obtaining her high school diploma, Anne-Chris studied for two years to become a Director at the Academy of Theatre (Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten) in Tilburg. After two years she switched to the Theatre School Arnhem (ArtEZ Institute of the Arts) as she wanted to become an actress instead. She will graduate in 2015. During her years at ArtEZ Anne-Chris presented herself in several theatre plays, including Theatre Group Oostpool in Post Mortemonder directed by Joeri Vos and You Can Jump by Suzan Boogaerdt and Bianca van der Schoot.

In 2014 she played in Little Black Dress by Eva de Boer on the Fringe Festival in Amsterdam. Followed by a tour in Belgium and Netherlands with Elektra, directed by Danielle van Zyl at NTGent. In 2015 she can be seen in ’Stilte’ directed by Olivier Diepenhorst at the Toneelschuur in Haarlem and the rerun of Othello directed by Ivo van Hove at Toneelgroep Amsterdam.



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