Marwan Kenzari
Marwan Kenzari (1983) has been a member of Toneelgroep Amsterdam since Season 09|10. Among others, he appeared in Ifigenea in Aulis, Roman Tragedies, Teorema, Antonioni Project, Summer Trilogy, Children of the Sun, After the Fall, The Russians! and Angels in America.

Kenzari graduated from the Toneelschool in Maastrict in 2009, and finished his internship with TA in Ifigenea in Aulis (Season 08|09). That same Season, he played the role of Romeo in Romea and Juliet, at Het Nationale Toneel. He appeared in the movie Loft, the Dutch remake of the successful Belgian film featuring ao Barry Atsma and Fedja van Huêt, and in the roadmovie Rabat, the first lengthy movie by Jim Taihuttu and Victor Ponte (Habbekrats).